Most Effective Grain in Controlling Blood Sugar Level- Barnyard Millets/Jhangora

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Most Effective Grain in Controlling Blood Sugar Level- Barnyard Millets/Jhangora

Most Effective Grain in Controlling Blood Sugar Level- Barnyard Millets/Jhangora
  • 15 Jul, 2024
  • Admin
  • Health
  • 438

We often find people with diabetes confused about their healthy eating regime. Having diabetes comes from the body not producing enough insulin or not effectively using it. Insufficient digestion leads to increased blood glucose levels or blood sugar levels, potentially resulting in serious health complications. So having a healthy diet and engaging in regular exercise becomes increasingly important.

The consumption of carbohydrates affects the blood sugar levels of people with diabetes. But it also comes as a surprising fact that good carbohydrates (particularly complex carbs) are proven helpful in managing diabetes symptoms. One such example of good carbohydrates is Millets. Among the many ways to control diabetes, millet plays an important role.

Jhangora Millets - Benefits

Millets are whole grains containing carbohydrates but at the same loaded with fiber, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. Millets are a group of small grain seeds that have been part of people's diets for a long time in many Asian and African countries. Millets are divided into two broad categories - The Naked grains and the Husked grains. 

Millets are highly nutritious, gluten-free, and rich in calcium, iron, and zinc. It is lower on glycemic index leading to lower cholesterol, which provides a plethora of health benefits as-

  1. Aids weight loss
  2. Lower blood sugar level
  3. Boosts immunity
  4. Reduce cardiovascular risks


How Millets Help in Controlling Blood Sugar Levels

Millet is an excellent source of micronutrients. Digestion of millets takes some time, and a sustained digestion period prevents blood sugar spikes.

 A person with diabetes can keep his blood sugar level under control by incorporating millets into their diet.

We can even view millets as a healthy and better alternative to rice for diabetic patients. 

There are a variety of millets, each type having its health benefits -

  1. Foxtail
  2. Finger millets/ Ragi
  3. Pearl millets/ Bajra
  4. Barnyard millets/Jhangora
  5. Little millets


All these varieties of Millets have their advantages. Foxtail millet balances blood sugar levels, is high in HDL cholesterol, while Ragi is supposed to increase brain development and provide amino acids and protein. In particular, Barnyard millets have properties most useful for dealing with diabetes. 

Jhangora/ Barnyard Millets for Diabetes 

Barnyard millets are the oldest food known in humankind. Grown in the Temperate region, largely in parts of Asia, it is high in energy but low in calorie food. In addition, Barnyard millet is also known as Japanese millet, Billion Dollar grass, Jhangora, Sawa millet

The grain is a storehouse of nutrients and essential organic minerals. Barnyard millet is an excellent source of dietary fiber too with around 12% of higher dietary fiber content compared to other cereals.

The study shows the benefits of dietary supplementation of Barnyard millets for diabetics. It is a source of highly digestible protein. The content of carbohydrates in Barnyard millets/Jhangora is low and slowly digestible. Through improved carbohydrate tolerance, Jhangora helps individuals lower their fasting plasma glucose levels.

Here are some Barnyard millet benefits

  1. Least caloric density 
  2. A good amount of soluble and insoluble fibers
  3. Low Glycemic index 
  4. Gluten-free

Jhangora is a name given to Barnyard Millets in the Garhwal Hills of India. Majorly grown in The Himalayan valleys of Uttarakhand, Jhangora is a wholesome and widely popular grain. Jhangora in Uttarakhand is a staple food. Jhangora in Uttarakhand is deemed eminently desirable during the long fasting period.

In the Hills, people have evolved many nutritious and mouth-watering dishes from Jhangora, the festive Jhangora kheer being the best of all.

Jhangora in Uttarakhand has substituted rice, as a food component. Many dishes have been created from Jhangora, one of them is sawak ka chawal. The Jhangora Upma is one of the many ways in which jhangora rice is used in daily food preparation by the people of Uttarakhand. 

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